For Pay As You Go policies, the billing frequency will mirror your payroll frequency. For example, if you run payroll bi-weekly, NEXT (formerly AP Intego) will also invoice bi-weekly for workers’ comp. Each time you run a payroll, we’ll send you an invoice that corresponds with that check date.
You need to run at least one payroll every 30 days (or more often, as per below frequency schedule) in order to keep your policy active.
You can modify the billing frequency by logging into your customer dashboard and navigating to the Details tab of your workers' comp policy. Your billing frequency can be bi-weekly, monthly, semi-monthly or weekly. If you see any other information that needs to be corrected you can select Get Support to send a request to our support team.
Unless your payroll partner invoices your workers' comp premium themselves, invoices are sent by email every Thursday morning after a payroll is received. Any payroll we receive prior to Wednesday at 5pm EST will bill that week. Any payroll we receive on or after Thursday will be delayed in billing until the next week.
Your billing timeline is:
- Thursday: we invoice
- Friday: we bill premium
- Monday: premium is drafted from your bank account
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